Classification Of Input Data

The generation of summation information is conducted by various application programs depending on the particular demand. Those programs is in common that they obtain the data records which have to be processed in an RSS-internal data format. For this data records of various formats like

  • ISO 8583
  • DTA (in Germany)
  • BASE II (Visa)
  • log-files of automated teller machines (ATM)

are classified and converted into the RSS-internal format by the programs PKNV or UKNV. The RSS-internal transaction information is subsequently inserted in the corresponding database table (DTRA). The latter step will normally not be performed if the real-time summation module (USPDSUM) is applied, because in this case the single data records are processed (summarized) directly.

IBAN accounting connections are fully implemented. Also RSS has been already designed internally for the processing of RFID (Radio frequency identification)-information. The handling of SWIFT and EDIFACT/FINPAY data for standard payment transactions is under way.


With help of the dialog component STA-DEF the generation, modification or deletion of statistics or simulations are conducted. The corresponding control information is collected centrally and is inserted into the central control data file by the administrator.

If networked RSS-systems are present – to simplify matters a star communication network is assumed -, the modifications in the control data file of the central RSS-system are dispatched in the form of requests from the other RSS-systems to the central RSS-system and by the update of the local control data file if modifications in the central control data file are available.

Depending on the statistical mode the data, which has to be evaluated, statistically is classified, processed, and summarized by the summation program designed for the respective purpose. Local summation information is transferred into the central RSS-system by data exchange.

The generated summation information represents partial statistic information which will be user- or user group-specific inserted into the corresponding database or transferred directly to the dialog application STA-VIS. With the help of this statistic-visualization the statistics or simulation results can be displayed by evaluating the partial statistic information and the definitions in the control data file.

STA-DEF and STA-VIS (within also Ad hoc summation is proceeded) are both components of the dialog system RSS-D. This dialog system also offers administrative operations concerning user-, rolls- and client administration which organizes the system access control.


Summation applications

Standard statistics
In order to establish standard statistics of the running operation summation information (DSUM) is generated or updated by the periodical active summation program in the background (PSUM) on the basis of new transaction information (DTRA) which have been collected before and according to the control data file requirements. Such generated summation information can be transferred to a central RSS-system (programs PDU1, PDU2). These information and those of other RSS-systems will be collected (program PIN2) prior their preparation as statistic information in graphic display or as a list by STA-VIS or the special statistic program PSTA respectively.

The generation of simulation results is performed nearly identically like those of standard statistics. Whereas the summation of standard statistics are established on the basis of always the newest transaction information, all transaction information (DTRA) of a given date range are considered for the summation of simulations. Like the summations for standard statistics these summations are performed by the periodical active summation program PSUM.

Ad hoc statistics
Ad hoc statistics are representing the opportunity to establish supplementary statistics straight from the dialog by evaluating a defined set of transaction information. In contrast to the simulation the generated partial statistic information are not inserted in the table of summation information DSUM. If necessary the partial statistic information has to be generated again from the defined set of transaction information (DTRA).

Real-time statistics
The entry point of the real-time summation module RSM is the subroutine USPDSUM. It can be called within a real-time application via user exit. In doing so the current data records are passed to USPDSUM in order to process them. USPDSUM itself is calling two other subroutines:

  • the classification module UKNV and
  • the summation module USUM

UKNV converts the passed data records with their various formats (see above) into data records of the internal format. In doing so the passed data records are checked with regard of form and content and are converted with reference to the control data file DCTR and other external tables if necessary. Depending on the situation and the specific external format, no, one or even more data records in internal format are generated. Both the internal data records and the information about the error status will be returned to USPDSUM.

USPDSUM passes the returned data records from the UKNV to the USUM. USUM determines the statistical definitions concerning the data records from the control data file and performs pre-summations according these definitions. The transaction volume and arising fees are summarized in so-called summation records. During the processing these summation records are inserted or updated immediately or within periodical intervals in the database table DSUM according the definitions in the control data file. The summation records can be evaluated by subsequent applications like the statistic visualization module STA-VIS.



Calling the subroutine USPDSUM, for example by a COBOL-program:


       02  DATARECORD                         PIC X(1000).



The final processing of RSM is triggered by the pass of a data record which fully consists of  HEX‘00‘.



Besides the call control USPDSUM is also capable for the generation and administration of protocol information via the protocol file DSPD. By setting appropriate parameters in the control data file DCTR the user can achieve that

  • all information on the passed data records in the external format,
  • their internal representation,
  • any error messages which are occurring during the conversion from the external format to the internal one,
  • error states during the summation,
  • all processing states concerning (re-)initialisation activities of the USPDSUM and
  • the final processing and the database synchronization by the USUM

will be dumped in the protocol file DSPD. If necessary, respective information from the DSPD can be selected and processed afterwards.

Further information on the control of the initialisation and the re-initialisation times and other control functions can be taken from the respective handbooks and from additional documents on the specific tables of the control data file.


Other application programs

The described statistic and simulation system RSS bases on the kernel application UTBS (Universal Transaction Banking/Billing System) which offers supplementary programs and modules with additional functionalities.


Database connection

The implementation of RSS requires the connection to a database. The setup of the required database tables will be accomplished by script files which will be delivered with the RSS-system.

Actually connections to ORACLE®, Microsoft SQL-Server® and IBM-DB2® databases are realized. Connections to other databases are shortly possible.




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